Water Taps along the South Downs Way

This page shows water taps along the South Downs Way. All locations and operation of taps are correct as of May 2017. Please note that taps can be out of action due to vandalism or disrepair. During the winter months some may be turned off to prevent freezing.

So always plan ahead and take as much water as you can carry on your bike. You will pass through some villages with small shops and on the A23 crossing there is a BP garage with shop.

Also see PDF from National Trail website

Click / touch a section to view more water tap location, information and Google Map location.

All photos/graphics displayed on this site are taken/created by me.
Approval must be sought before reusing any pictures from this site.

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Disclaimer: This site is purely for information only, I do not accept any liability for any injury, damage, inconvenience etc.

You must plan any rides and watch out for any hazards on the trail.

Before setting out on a bike, ensure your bike is properly maintained and that you have enough water / food for the journey.

If travelling alone, let someone know your intended route and approximate return time.

** ALWAYS wear a helmet **